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My digestion and I......

  My story started from an early age, I used to always suffer from a bloated tummy and experience sharp pain relating to trapped gas.  As a child we moved around a lot, I was born in the UK and when I was 6 years old we moved to Mauritius, which is where my family is from. During our time in Mauritius we moved from place to place and never really having the opportunity to become settled.   According to the science of Ayurveda Vata dosha, the element of space & air that resides in the body, increases with movement. Excess Vata can create more gas within the body and it can also increase anxiety levels. Anxiety can have a negative impact...

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Benefits of Aloe Vera

I'd just like to start by saying that I am a big fan of this amazing healing plant, Aloe Vera. It is a wonderful medicinal plant that is packed full of nutritional properties. It is a succulent plant with a fleshy white gel on the inside. Aloe Vera can be applied externally and ingested internally. I take fresh Aloe Vera every night before bedtime. I cut around half an inch of fresh Aloe Vera and remove the gel from the inside. This gel is the only part I take internally, swallowing the whole thing, and use what's left on the inside of the skin as a facial moisturiser. Before I cut the leaf from the plant I make sure the...

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