Diarrhoea flare up

IBS flare up 

Managing diet, stress and energy levels more effectively & efficiently


Diarrhoea related flare up 


  • One of the most important thing is to get as much rest as possible. Take time off work if needed and cut down on social events (people should understand).  
  • Reduce your energy output – cut down on strong physical exercise   
  • Do a gentle 10mins yoga routine daily with a minimum of 10 mins relaxation at the end.  
  • Meditate at least 10mins a day.  
  • Follow the guided audio for self stomach massage but please read the contraindications first - only do it every other day 
  • Go for a nice gentle walk (ideally in the park or somewhere with nice natural surroundings).  
  • Watch programmes / movies that are happy and positive  
  • No technology 40 mins before bedtime – follow the guided meditation for sleep  


This programme is designed to dramatically reduce the acidity levels within body (this will help to decrease the inflammation levels in the body) and provide food & drinks which are easy on the digestion.  

Food & drink  

1st 2 weeks of a flare:    

Section 1  

  • Breakfast – porridge (non dairy milk) with oat, rice or coconut milk  
  • Main meals (lunch / dinner) – baked potatoes (sweet potato is best), with unsalted butter / with roasted vegetables (asparagus, courgettes, fennel, mushrooms.  White fish, chicken or turkey breast with no skin (baked with a little oil no salt) with boiled potatoes or basmati rice and steamed vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, peas).  
  • Drinks – aloe vera juice, coconut water, water, one fresh juice (apple, pear or pineapple – but only once a day), fresh mint tea, peppermint & camomile tea, red bush tea with oat, rice or coconut milk  
  • Dessert: baked apples or pears with a little cinnamon (make sure the fruit are sweet)  


Section 2  

If your suffering from a extremely aggressive flare up where your opening your bowels more than 5 times a day than just stick with porridge for breakfast and have only baked or boiled potatoes for main meals (with a little unsalted butter). Please still follow the above drinks guidelines. Once you feel things are improving than follow the above guidelines in section 1 for 1 week than move on to section 3.  


Please note - avoid:   

  • Alcohol, caffeine,, chocolate, dairy, fried foods, red meat, smoking, salty foods, spicy foods, sweet fizzy drinks.  


2nd week of a flare  

Hopefully by this stage things should be better, if not please follow the guidelines in section 2 for 5 days than section 1 for 1 week than move on to section 3.  

If things have improved than please follow the below guidelines:  


Section 3  


Exercise: if your energy levels have improved than you can increase your physical output but make sure you do not wear yourself out.  You can follow the intermediate yoga routine on the yoga page but only if that practice is suitable for your level (no more than 3 times a week with  a day rest in between and with a minimum of 10 mins relaxation)    


  • Breakfast – porridge (non dairy milk) with oat, rice or coconut milk. Homemade granola (from the recipe page), wheat & gluten free cereals.  
  • Main meals – seafood (grilled, steamed or baked), chicken or turkey breast (grilled, steamed or baked), with basmati rice or potatoes and vegetables (steamed, boiled or baked – asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, fennel, leeks, peas). At this stage you can add a little salt (not table salt – best to use rock or Himalayan salt). Ensure the salt is rubbed into the food.  
  • Drinks – aloe vera juice, coconut water, water, one fresh juice (apple, pear or pineapple – but only once a day), peppermint & camomile tea, red bush tea with oat, rice or coconut milk, date drink from the recipe page  
  • Dessert – apple or pear crumble from the recipe page  
  • Treats – dates (no more than 3 a day). If your someone who like crisps and snacking than getting stuff made for small children / toddlers is great option but please make sure it has no artificial colours or flavours and also make sure they are baked or air dried.          


3rd week of a flare up  

Section 4  

We hope by this stage things have improved if not than you will still need to follow section 1 until things get better. If things have gotten better than just follow the main framework from the dietary guideline page.  

If things have calmed down completely than to can resume to your normal routine but always be mindful about managing your stress and energy levels.